Twitter has landed ...

It has parked itself on my phone. I have no idea how it got there. I woke up one morning and saw the twitter icon next to the media icon. It messed up my icons arrangement. The applications icon is not where it used to be and I had to re-arrange them. Does the Blackberry knows how to update itself? I'm quite certain I didn't download it coz I still don't have a Twitter account.

So, now that I magically have Twitter on my phone, should I just sign up for an account? I'm not exactly interested in knowing what other people are doing in real time. But I guess it's useful for knowing the latest news around the world. It's also a huge conversation space and I'm sure I can find interesting conversations. I suppose it's kinda like the channel chat in IRC. Hmmm....I'm curious. Wonder if I will get instant tweets from the people who I follow. Can I choose not to receive instant tweets from certain people? How powerful are the settings? What are the privacy issues?

Perhaps I shall sign up and explore the Twitter world. Find new adventures. Hehehe.

Interesting Twitter apps: Twitoaster, Twitterfall


    yah it is like a slow version of IRC in a way. you only receive tweets from ppl you follow.

    it appears on ur BB cos it's the latest BB official apps. I use ubertwitter instead of twitter for blackberry tho

    so it did downloaded itself without asking first!