The verdict on Twitter

I've been using Twitter for about a week now and I've posted 28 tweets so far. Do I like it? Not really. There's too much noise in the data. I'm not exactly interested to know every single tweet in real time from the people who I follow. I find it really annoying to see my phone blinking all the time. I just hate having unread messages. It makes me feel stressful knowing that I still have pending 'work' to do. In the case of Twitter, the 'work' would be to read the damn tweet that I probably don't care about. I don't seem to be able to find a setting on the BlackBerry Twitter application to send notifications to the phone only on direct messages and mentions. This behavior is really getting on my nerves that I'm considering to remove Twitter from my phone.

Another thing that I find annoying is, the tweets that I have read on another desktop or web application would still appear as new tweets on my phone. Then I have to mark them as read. Otherwise, the phone will keep blinking and it'll be stressing me out. Maybe I should just remove the app from my phone and everything will be fine.

About 6 hours after I've written the above, I found the settings screen that allows me to set notifications only for replies and direct messages. I'm such an idiot LOL

Twitter @Anywhere

I've signed up for a twitter account just today and it took quite a while to configure the profile page because the internet is too slow. Managed to upload my photo though :) Still haven't gone around in exploring the data space.

Anyway, I found something interesting when I was Googling for twitter related info; the @Anywhere API. It provides a simple way for the blog/website readers to connect with other twitter users.

You can also easily create a "Follow me on twitter" badge like this:

Twitter @Anywhere Follow Buttons are smart in that they reflect whether the current user already follows the member. If the user is already following the user for a given Follow Button, the button's label will be updated with the text "You're following @username".

Another feature is a customizable tweetbox like this:

The examples are taken from the API

Twitter has landed ...

It has parked itself on my phone. I have no idea how it got there. I woke up one morning and saw the twitter icon next to the media icon. It messed up my icons arrangement. The applications icon is not where it used to be and I had to re-arrange them. Does the Blackberry knows how to update itself? I'm quite certain I didn't download it coz I still don't have a Twitter account.

So, now that I magically have Twitter on my phone, should I just sign up for an account? I'm not exactly interested in knowing what other people are doing in real time. But I guess it's useful for knowing the latest news around the world. It's also a huge conversation space and I'm sure I can find interesting conversations. I suppose it's kinda like the channel chat in IRC. Hmmm....I'm curious. Wonder if I will get instant tweets from the people who I follow. Can I choose not to receive instant tweets from certain people? How powerful are the settings? What are the privacy issues?

Perhaps I shall sign up and explore the Twitter world. Find new adventures. Hehehe.

Interesting Twitter apps: Twitoaster, Twitterfall

Not exactly sick

Haven't been feeling well lately. Some minor body aches and sores, fatigue, feeling hot, feeling cold, feeling low, and the occasional headache. Not sick enough for the doctor to diagnose me with anything so I haven't been to see one. Can't remember the last time I was sick. It's definitely more than 4 years ago. I remember taking extra care of myself in 2008 so that I don't get sick and could finish my thesis in time. I also told myself that as long as I can finish my thesis, I don't care how sick I'd get. Just wait and let me finish my thesis first. Well, I've finished my thesis. I don't mind being sick now. I rather be bedridden for a couple of days than feel miserable for a week. Is this psychological rather than physical?

I hate this feeling.

Want someone to hold me.
Want someone to hug me.
Want someone to pamper me.

But you just couldn't be here.