Carbon footprint

As I have guessed, most of my carbon footprint is from transportation. I was hoping that my recycling and water and energy saving activities would be able to offset a substantial amount of it. Apparently not. Sigh!

I drive to work 5 days a week, doing about 25km per day. That will be about 3.75 kg of CO2 a day, for a car with CO2 emissions of 150g per km. (You can find your car emission rate here.) If I drive 10,000 km a year (a very modest figure), there'll be 1500kg of CO2 a year! Besides driving, I also take flights when I go on vacation. Just one intercontinental flight would emit about the same amount of CO2 as driving ten thousand kilometers in my car!

So, I started thinking if it would be better if I work from home instead of driving to work. I have to turn on the a/c for about 8 hours and that would be about 8kWh. With the cost of electricity at about 420g of CO2 per kWh, that will be 3.36kg of CO2 a day. (Source: Power sources & Carbon Emissions)

So, 3.75kg of CO2 from driving and 3.36kg from a/c. The difference is less than half a kg. I guess working from home is not a very feasible option. Well, I'm already doing my best here. I don't want to be a vegetarian and live like a hermit.


    crap, mine is 2.43 earth! but some questions are abit unavoidable, like i don't recycle glass/aluminum but almost don't have any of them

    I think the recycling part doesn't have much effect cos I recycle almost everything and I still end up with almost 2 earths.