Packing & Moving

The past few days had been tough. I could't decide what to pack and what to keep and what to throw. Since I only have 20kg, I couldn't bring much with me. Then, I don't really know how heavy 20kg is so I ended up putting in and removing stuff and trying to lift it to get the right 'feel'. Haha. I still feel it's over 20kg, hopefully I'm wrong coz excess baggage costs 7€ per kg. With the remaining stuff, I stuffed as much as I could into my hand luggage which I will leave with a friend and come back to get it. I didn't really wanna leave too much stuff with her coz our room doesn't have much space to start with but I ended up having two extra shopping bags for her. One filled with sweaters (they take up too much space!) and the other a ski jacket and other small items. Also had a hard time throwing out all the rest of stuff especially the bunch of candies I collected from Karneval Rosenmontag last week. I already ate quite a lot and still left with a container full. Well, I'm pretty much packed and ready to fly tomorrow morning :)


    Happy Flying! Hehehe :)