Longest train ride
Saturday, February 24, 2007
I think I spent more than 6 hours on the train today. First it was 2+ hours ride from Bonn to Frankurt. I went to collect my Italy visa. The guy was late so I had to take a later train back. Since I still had some time till the next train, I went back to the japanese store I saw last time. It's not a fancy store though. More like one of those ugly chinese stores in chinatown staffed with japanese. And they make fresh sushi there so I bought some to eat in the train. They are really delicious, especially the salmon. The texture is like the fatty tuna. Yummy! It's so good to have sushi again after four long months. Anyway, the train from Frankfurt departed 10 minutes late due to some technical problems. It kinda managed to catch up to the scheduled time when it reached Bonn so I didn't get off. I thought I could still manage to catch the train to Aachen in Cologne. But from Bonn to Cologne, the train stopped in the middle for some time. So by the time I get to Cologne, I missed the train. Then, I thought I might still make it to the german exam on time if I catch the next train. I waited for a while until it was announced that that train would be about 5 minutes late. I will definately be late then so I decided not to go. I got on to the next train back to Bonn. The train only left the station 20 minutes later than the scheduled time. Seemed like there was some problems with the tracks. Again, the train stopped half way, this time a lot longer. I wasted about one and a half hour betwen Colgone and Bonn.
About the exam, I just wanted to see how the exam is like and what is the level. I know the chance for me to pass is very slim because I didn't have enough hours yet and I also didn't put much effort on my own either. But since we get 3 chances, why not try it?
About the exam, I just wanted to see how the exam is like and what is the level. I know the chance for me to pass is very slim because I didn't have enough hours yet and I also didn't put much effort on my own either. But since we get 3 chances, why not try it?