Mid-year financial checkup
Monday, July 05, 2010
After six paychecks, I thought it would be wise to check whether I'm on track with my savings target. And if I'm spending more than what I make, I certainly don't want to wait until the end of the year to find out. I made that mistake once and I remember that life wasn't as pretty the following year.
I also got a bit nervous after returning from a nice vacation; wondering if I spent the money which is supposed to go into savings. Anyway, after doing some calculations, I'm happy to see that I've already amassed about 50% of my target amount. :D
I thought I wouldn't be able to afford to go on vacation this year! So it's a very nice surprise to find out that I can afford a nice vacation and still achieve my savings target.
Looks like Less social life = More savings is working quite well for me at the moment as I'm at the stage where my happiness is derived mostly from the amount of money I have. Hahahha.
I guess I just need to continue with the current lifestyle and I'll achieve my goal.
Hehe :) "I'm at the stage where my happiness is derived mostly from the amount of money I have" ...That would leave me a rather sad fellow indeed.
Hehe Alexis, I think you're happy where you are, with what you're doing. So no worries about money!