Writing papers - 16 days to go

According to my plan, I'm supposed to finalize my thesis today so that I could enjoy two weeks of freedom. However, I still have not received the feedback from my supervisor. Furthermore, I'm still stuck with writing the conference paper because the deadline has been extended till Thursday. I'm starting to get tired from all these writing in the past two months.
I finished a draft of the conference paper on Wednesday with minor changes on Thursday morning. When I met with my supervisor on Friday evening, he hasn't read the paper yet. 90 minutes later, he managed to go through half of the paper and we went through the other half together. So based on his comments, we worked separately over the weekend to complete the paper. This afternoon, he sent an email telling me that the deadline has been extended and we should continue to improve the paper in the next few days.
I hope that my supervisor will still have time to read my thesis and give me the feedback before the end of the week. I really would like to submit it by the end of next week so that I could at least enjoy the weekend.


    Just a little over 2 weeks :)

    It'll be over in no time.

    Way to go! I'm sure it's all done now! Hurrah