Back to School
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Still hasn't got used to attending classes. I was yawning quite a bit during the 11am class on Monday and only managed to get off bed at 11am today. As the school break progresses, I eventually slipped back into my normal operating hours from about 10am to past 2am. If I managed to get up at 4am tomorrow to go to Aachen for german class, then I think I can fix the hours. After spending a week speaking English, I find that my German has deteriorated a little. Words doesn't come to mind as easily anymore. The same happened with the German lecturer in class on Monday. At times, he was struggling to get the words out in English. Well, the good news is I managed to finish the first draft of my seminar paper! Couldn't believe that I could actually produce a 20 page paper. Two more days to work on the paper before submission is due. Then gotta work on the powerpoint version of the paper for presentation next week. In a way I couldn't wait for the semester to be over but then it means that finals is only a month away.