Weekend cooking

I got the opportunity to have the whole house to myself this weekend when my family went out of town. After living back home for about 8 weeks, I'm starting to miss living on my own. So I actually stayed home during the weekend and managed to do the things that I enjoy; cooking, sleeping, watching videos. Hehehhe. I cooked chicken porridge for lunch using leftover chicken drumstick from CNY dinner and some mushrooms from the sea cucumber with oyster dish. For dinner, I finally get to eat a big slab of meat; Steak with baked potatoes and some cherry tomatoes and green peas on the side. The steak took a bit more time to cook than I thought but it's sooooo juicy! :D When I set the table, I found out that my house don't have steak knife so I had to use the smaller meat knife to cut the steak into strips first.

On Sunday, I made bacon and egg for brunch. Although the bacons are over 100g, about 50% of them are purely fat! I don't mind if the fat is between some meat but the ones I bought, 99% of the fat is on one side. Should've looked properly before buying. Anyway, I ended up discarding half of the fat away since I cannot stomach just the fat alone.

I'm on a meat eating mode lately. Lol. Gonna buy more meat.


    but the fat's yummyyyy!

    i shall save them for you next time :p

    Haha :) meat eating mode...sounds tasty...hmm glad to see your back into blogging again :)(and also digging the new hair) ^^


    Usually I'll buy sandwich ham, Jumbo sausages and streaky bacon. Use ham to make sandwich and sausages and streaky bacon as the sides lol.

    simon: no cheese on the sandwich?

    Depends on what ingredient I have on hand. The latest creation was wakame and ham sandwich.